A Refresher on the Rules of Service by Mustafa Ghori by reviewing the decision of Tetrad Auto Service Ltd. v Universal Tire & Services Ltd. 2023 SKKB 104.
Damages for Wrongful Dismissal and CERB
A review of damages for wrongful dismissal and CERB by Kamara Willett. A multi jurisdictional review of this issue to determine how Saskatchewan Courts may see the issue.
Kanuka Thuringer LLP – Employment Law Update (November 2022)
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No Abuse of Process Despite Long Delay in Disciplinary Proceedings – Law Society of Saskatchewan v. Abrametz, 2022 SCC 29
A case review of Law Society of Saskatchewan v. Abrametz, 2022 SCC 29 by Mustafa Ghori & Gabrielle Robitaille. The Supreme Court of Canada considers what is considered an abuse of process in a disciplinary context.
Sask. Court of Appeal releases Key Decision for Professionals Speaking Out While Off-Duty
By Alexander Shalashniy and Sarah Engen Court of Appeal Finds Nurse’s Social Media Posts were not Professional...
New Vaping Legislation in Saskatchewan
The Government of Saskatchewan is amending The Tobacco Control Act to bring vapour devices and related products in...
Pitfalls for Business and Industry Associations Advertising During the Federal Election
Alexander Shalashniy, Kanuka Thuringer LLP Sweeping changes to the Canada Elections Act which came into force on June...
Legislative Changes in Saskatchewan
Effective May 15, 2019, Saskatchewan has two new pieces of legislation. The Proceedings Against the Crown Act has been...
The implementation of the new Saskatchewan Child Support Recalculation Service and its ability to deem income
Silveira v McKay, 2018 SKQB 318 In 2008, the Canadian Bar Association passed the Child Support Recalculation Services...
Court of Appeal addresses limitation periods for builders’ liens
Court of Appeal addresses limitation periods for builders’ liens Artis Builders v. Kehoe, 2019 SKCA 14 Under The...
Court of Appeal clarifies privity requirement for trusts under The Builders’ Lien Act
Prestige Commercial Interiors (1992) Ltd. v. Suderman, 2018 SKCA 95 The Builders’ Lien Act, SS 1984-85-86, c B-7.1...
Failure to Comply with Family Law Court Order May Lead to a Charge of Contempt
Keyes v Keyes, 2018 SKQB 191 Under the obligation of a family law court order, parties must understand the gravity of...
SCC Affirms Approach to Jurisdictional Issues in Internet Defamation Cases – Haaretz.com v Goldhar, 2018 SCC 28
In this case, the Supreme Court of Canada was faced with the question of how courts should deal with a defamation...
Rental Property Owners are Denied Coverage for Explosion Caused by Tenants: Drug Exclusionary Clause is both Valid and Reasonable in the Circumstances
Carteri v Saskatchewan Mutual Insurance Company, 2018 SKQB 150 In Carteri, Elson J determined, in the context of a...
Supreme Court of Canada Rules Incidental Restrictions on Interprovincial Trade are Acceptable: Indirect Limits May be Placed on Out-of-Province Alcohol Purchases
The Supreme Court of Canada in R v Comeau, 2018 SCC 15 (“Comeau”) unanimously upheld the constitutionality of a New...
Gestational Carriers, Sperm Donors and Saskatchewan Law
R. (M.R.) v N. (J.), 2017 ONSC 2655 The recent 2017 Ontario case of R. (M.R.) v N. (J.) (“ R v N”) deals with a...
Saskatchewan Court of Appeal Overturns Cenex Regarding Priority of Builders’ Liens
National Bank of Canada v KNC Holdings Ltd., 2017 SKCA 57 The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal in a unanimous decision has...