The Best Lawyers™ in Canada has listed 9 Kanuka Thuringer LLP lawyers in 12 practice areas in their peer-reviewed 2021 rankings.
As well, the following lawyers were each named as “Lawyer of the Year”:
Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Lawyer of the Year:
Construction Lawyer of the Year:
Natural Resources Lawyer of the Year:
Ronald M. Warsaba
Securities Law Lawyer of the Year:
Family Lawyer of the Year:
The full listing includes:
Murray W. Douglas
Warren N. Sproule, Q.C.
James S. Ehmann, Q.C.
Ronald M. Warsaba
Keith D. Kilback, Q.C.
Laurance J. Yakimowski, Q.C.
Paul H.A. Korpan, Q.C.
Paul J. Harasen
T. Micheal McDougall
Kanuka Thuringer LLP congratulates all its lawyers listed by The Best Lawyers™ in Canada!